Our mission is to enrich both the local and wider community by researching, conserving, and sharing the history of our area.
The Time Vault Tree was created by J.-M. Tétreault to mark the 50th anniversary of the Richmond County Historical Society in a meaningful way, a time vault was constructed near Melbourne Township Town Hall. This concrete underground structure was built to hold up to 150 time capsules.
Become a member
Become a member or renew your membership before May 1st! It’s easier than ever and the cost remains $20 per year!!
We now accept e-transfers. Please send your e-transfer to treasurer.rchs.shcr@gmail.com and specify “membership” as your response. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your transaction from your bank and communication from RCHS shortly thereafter.
The society maintains an archive with historical papers and documents of particular interest to Richmond County. These documents include paper records (letters, diaries, journals and other unpublished written materials); photographs and other visual records; maps, plans and architectural records; sound recordings and oral history tapes; printed material (eg. local newspapers, books), electronically stored data and the records of the Richmond County Historical Society.
support us
Making a donation is a way of reaching out a helping hand. By providing even a small donation, you can be part of an effort to save our community heritage.
Donations also can now be made via e-transfer; please specify “donation” as your response. A tax receipt will be sent to you for any donation of $20 or more (please note that memberships are not eligible for a tax receipt).
Or use the button below to donate through Canada Helps.
La Société d’histoire du comté de Richmond est fière d’être un arrêt sur le Chemin des Cantons!
Le Chemin des Cantons, les Cantons-de-l’Est autrement! Une route touristique pour découvrir nos plus beaux paysages et notre patrimoine américain et britannique exceptionnel. Le patrimoine bâti et naturel de notre région est mis en valeur à travers une route touristique encadrée et signalisée qui sillonne les différentes régions des Cantons-de-l’Est. Vous découvrirez de charmants cœurs villageois, des ponts couverts, des granges rondes, des centres d’interprétation uniques et bien plus encore. Venez prendre le temps le long de Chemin des Cantons!
Richmond County Historical Society is proud to be a part of The Townships Trail!
The Townships Trail, another way to fall in love with the Eastern Townships! The Townships Trail provides you with an opportunity to experience the Eastern Townships differently! It highlights the region’s built and natural heritage along a marked tourist route. The various locations reveal stunning scenery and our heritage, which reflects both American and British influences, one of our region’s distinctive characteristics. Come and take the time to enjoy the many features along The Township’s Trail!
I had an absolutely FABULOUS time Here! Thanks